Medicinal Herb Growing & Marketing Conference - January 25 Progress Report

We will be at 45 presenters shortly.
I have about 50 people on the list of people who want to work-trade, volunteer or help coordinate. At some point we will have all our positions filled.
15 people have paid their money.
We now are up to 10 sponsors. They will send at least 10 representatives between them.
I have the names of another 40 or so people who have said they are planning to attend.
I hear rumors of others.
This all adds up to about 160 people I can name coming to the conference. A good start towards our 300+ goal.  In fact it is starting to feel like we might have 400 people show up.
A lot of publicity has happened. A lot more needs to happen.  I work on this almost every day.  If we think of the herbal movement as a giant web with each person connected to many other herbalists in the web, people like Rosemary Gladstar are connected to thousands of other points on the web.  The MHG&MC is shaking this web and activating points on the web to spread the word down their pathways. Some people will hear about it from several or many sources. The goal of the publicity is to alert as many nodes on the web as possible about the conference, mainly focused on the Northwest though.
We have information up on the website about the 15 Conference Tracks identified so far and we just added Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants as a track. The Tracks will continue to develop over the course of the next two and a half months, as will the list of presenters, sponsors, Herb Trade Show vendors and Beverage Tasting providers.
If you haven’t registered, please do.  Questions? Email Michael Pilarski at [email protected].
