Herbalists in the Pacific Northwest

Northwest Herbal Faire List of Past Presenters

2/18/2011 edition

Compilation by Michael Pilarski. This is just my starting list.  Please send nominations for people to add to this list. Where are other published lists?

Please note that the title for the first 10 events was Northwest Herbal Faire. We switched to Northwest Herbal Fair in 2011 for a number of reasons.

The affiliations given are those at the time of that herbal fair, where known.

Not all these NWHF presenters are herbalists. Some are with different companies now. Some are retired. This is just a historical record. Let me know of anyone left out who should be on this list.

* = Taught at the 2011 NWHF

7Song, Northeast School of Botanical Medicine, Ithaca, New York,

Scott & Elizabeth Athair, Inner Mountain Healing Arts, Chelan

Marisha Auerbach, Queen Bee Flower and Gem Essences, Oakville, Wa

Barbara Baker, Ferndale,

Robert Bates

Dr. Bruce Berkowsky, Essential Oils & Soul, Mt. Vernon,

Amanda Bevill, The Herbalist, Seattle

Linda Bishoff, The Herbalist, Seattle

Camilla Blossom Bishop, 3 Flowers Healing, Hood River, Oregon,

David Boring, Mystic Tea

Lavinia Bortis, Women’s Herbs,

Morgan Brent, Tribes of Creation, Singing Alive, Portland, Or

Joanie Brownfield, Body Talk, Chelan, Wa

Richard Bryant, The Freeman School, Vancouver,

Michael Byrne, ND.

Chanchal Cabrera, Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, Vancouver, BC

Candis Cave, Essence Oils, Davis, Ca

Richo Cech, Horizon Herbs, Williams, Or,

Chris Chisholm and Melva Van Schyndel, Western Outdoor Learning Foundation.

Richard Chrappa.

Brian Combs, Lost Creek Botanicals, Olympia,

Linda Conroy, Moonwise Herbals

James Robert Deal, The Goddess is Coming to Dinner.

Robin DiPasquale, Bastyr University,

Ryan Drum, Island Herbs, Waldron Island

Jonathan Dubey, Wise Woman Herbals

Eaglesong, RavenCroft Garden, Monroe

Gorilla Ed


Marcia Elston, Samara Botane Aromatic Apothecary, Snohomish

Emenke, ND, Seattle

Amy Eustergerling

Jacob Felton, Eden Enterprises,

Anna Fernandez, Mother Bloom Botanicals,

Aristana Firethorne

John Gallagher, Herbmentor.com, Carnation, Wa

Colette Gardiner--Blue Iris Mystery School, Portland

Julie Gauss, Earth Mama Goods 

Kris Gammon

Thomas Avery Garren, Source Point Herbs & Acupuncture. Grants, Pass,

Erin Groh, Upper Skagit School of Botanicals Medicine, Concrete

Beth Hailey, Dona Flora Herbs, LaConner, Wa

Rowan Hamilton, Hamilton Botanicals, Vancouver BC

Annie Harmon, Morning Myst Botanics, Fruitland, Wa

David Holmgren, Permaculture co-founder, Australia

Nirvan Hope,

Amanda Howe, Comox Valley, Vancouver Island.

Christine Hueglin

Arthur Lee Jacobson, Seattle,

Reed Svadesh Swanson and Christine Chmielwski, Bodymind Energetics Institute & Clinic, Seattle,

Feather Jones, Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies,

* Suzanne Nagler Jordan Tabert, Cedar Mountain Herb School, Sedro Woolley

* Denise Joy, Mountain Spirit Botanicals, Port Townsend

John Kallas, Wild Food Adventures, Portland, Oregon.

Judith Kaufman, Emerald City Healing Arts, Seattle WA

* Donna Kelleher, Whole Pet Vet, Ferndale

River Kennedy, Terra Flora Botanicals, Eugene

Erin Kenny, Vashon Island

Sally King, Ravencroft Garden

Lynn Ann Kister,

* Barbara Korando, Jamayma Gecko Herbals, Chelan,

* Elise Krohn, Northwest Indian College, Lummi

Sarah Kruse, Life In Balance Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Center

Alison Kutz-Troutman, Sound Horticulture,

Kathryn Sequoia Ladd, Wild Roots Herbal Alliance, Olympia

Robin Landsong, Olympia

Molly Langdon, Isla Flora Botanicals, Lummi Island,

Carla Jo Larmore, Tidewater Herbs, Waldron Island

Michael Laurie, Dragonfly Medicinals, Vashon Island

Estar & Jody Lazzarotto, Terra-Flora Botanicals, Surrey, B.C.

Mateo and Lishanna Ledenham, Bellingham

Neil Leonard, GreenWyrld, Hoquiam,

Suzanne Martin, American Herbalist Guild

David Lerner and Eva Pannabecker.

Mary Ann Little Bear, San Juan Island

* Michelle Mahler, Circle of Healing Essential Oils, Lake Stevens, WA.

Eugene Makela

Cassandra Malec and Alexander Knight

Jesse McAlpine, wildcrafter,

* Nome McBride, Pharmacopia Herbals. Under the Yew Botanicals, American Herbal Dispensatory, Eugene, Or

James McCluskey, Network Care Center

Louisa McCuskey, Lotus Healing Technologies, LaConner

Linda McCoy, LB’s Pet Remedies

Robina McCurdy, New Zealand

Alison McCutcheon, Vancouver, B.C.

Mark McNutt, Aerious, Deadwood, Oregon

Mary Ann Meredith, Circles, BC

David Merrill, Transformational Breathing Foundation,

Dr. Lisa Meserole, ND, Seattle,

David Mioduski, Acupuncturist, Seattle

* Greta “Griz”Montagne, MASSH, Bayside, Ca,

Lynn Montgomery, Montana

Glen Nagel, Bastyr University, National College of Natural Medicine,

Ray Nettlebeck

Northwest Sustainable Wildcrafters' Guild (meetings were held)

Dinea Norrell, Healing Herbals,

Julie Charette Nunn, Crows Daughter Earthly Goods, Whidbey Island,

Thaddeus Nunn, Whidbey Island,

Lori O’Dell, Bellingham

Don Ollsin, Herbal Healing Journey School, Vancouver, B.C.

Joy Olson, Trout Lake, Wa

Krista Olson, Kealakekua, Hawaii

Leah Parker, Andes Flower Essences. Seattle, WA

Dave Paulsen and Allison Weeks, Attraction Retreat, Acme, Wa

* Diana Gay Pepper, Tree Frog Farm Flower & Tree Essences, Lummi Island, Wa.

* Michael Pilarski, Friends of the Trees Botanicals, Tonasket, Wa

Tobias Policha, Society for Contemporary Ethnobotany, Eugene

Jo Powell, Northwest School of Herbalism, Portland

Rick, Stony Creek Farm, Van Zandt, WA.

* Linda Quintana, Wonderland Teas, Bellingham

Raven, Raven Spirit Essences.

Terry Raymond

River Farm residents led many farm tours, Bill Sterling, Gina, Holly O’Neil, Margo, Jeffrey, Pamela Aube, Greg Marchese, and many more.

Adrienne Roan Bear, Snohomish

John Robinson, Tree Frog Farm,

Oapiti Robintree, Hummingbird Flower Essences, Nevada City, Calif,

Charles Rosenberg

Terradan Landchild Sagewynd, Ferndale, Wa

Erico Schleicher, Elderberry School of Botanical Medicine, Portland, Or

* Karyn Schwartz, Rainbow Natural Remedies, SugarPills, Seattle

Christopher Scipio, Natropractica, Vancouver BC.

Adam Seller, Pacific School of Botanical Medicine, Oakland, Ca

Forest Shomer, Inside Passage Seeds, Port Townsend, Wa,

Diana Sicilia, Sapphire Herbals

Sue Sierralupe, Wise Woman Herbals

Beverlee Singer

Paula Skalnek, Dominion Herbal College, Burnaby, BC,

Amy Sothman, Root to Blossom Apothecary, Bellingham

Jill Stansbury, ND, Battle Ground, Wa

Starfeather, Starfeather Herbals, Lopez Island

Debby Stidman, Bow, Wa

Joanne Stoner, Chuckanut Herbals, Bellingham,

R.J. Stewart, Scottish composer and seer

Julia Bush Swanson. Good Medicine. Carnation, WA.

Sid Tayal, Castlegar, B.C.

Sharol Tilgner, Wise Acres Herbal Educational Center, Pleasant Hill Oregon,

Steffan Vanel, Spiritual Company Press. Curlew, WA.

Cheryl "Li" Walter. Planetary Essences. Graton, CA

Ed Welch, Sunny Pine Farm, Twisp, Wa,

Roger Wicke, Rocky Mountain School of Herbal Medicine, Hot Springs, Montana,

Rus Willis, Bighorn Botanicals, Noxon, Montana

Katolen Yardley, Chinese Medicine and Cosmetic Acupuncture Clinic and Gaia Garden Herbal Dispensary, Vancouver, BC.

Eric Yarnell, Bastyr University

Brenda Yen

Trudy Zimmerly, Trillium Botanicals,


Other Herbalists in the Pacific Northwest (mostly)

Some other herbalists (mainly in the Pacific Northwest) who have not presented at the NWHF to date (if you are on this list and have presented at the NWHF let me know). This started out as a list of herbalists I knew but has grown beyond that. This is still just the tip of the iceberg. Who else should be added to the list?

Kathy Abascal, ND., Vashon Island,

Silke Akerson,

Laura Altvater, Portland, Mostly Medicinals Nursery,

Julie Bailey, Mountain Rose Herbs

Robin Baire, Horse of a Different Color, Twisp, Wa

* Kael Balizer, Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Center, Seattle

Lydia Anne Bartholow, Portland

Kim Bauer, London Health Center, Ferndale, WA

Oryane Belair - Herbal Energetics, BC

Paul Bergner, North American Institute of Medical Herbalism

Jody Berry, Wild Carrot Herbals, Rickreall, Or,

Paul Beryl, The Hermit's Grove, Kirkland, WA

Sarah Birch, Colville

Margie Birzneck,Vancouver, BC

Summer Bock, OlyKraut, Olympia,

Jeffrey and Liz Bodony, Heron Botanicals

* Heidi Bohan, Carnation, Wa

Tracy Bosnian, Portland,

Jane Bothwell, Dandelion Herbal Center, Arcata, CA

Raleigh Briggs,

Howie Brounstein, Columbine School of Botanical Studies, Eugene, Oregon

Todd Caldecott, Vancouver BC

Elizabeth Campbell, Northwest Indian College,

* Candis Cantin, School of Integrative Herbology, Placerville, CA

Allison Carr, Portland

Shayne Case, Portland,

Mary Kachi Cassinelli, Dandelion Botanicals, Seattle

Phillip Chambers, Victoria,

Leslie Conton, Bellingham

Carmella Cook, Essential Elements Apothecary Shop, Portland,

Billie Jo Cops, Songbird Herbal Co-Operative, Sonoma

Barb Cotgrave, Halfmoon Herbals, BC

Amanda McQuade Crawford,

Heather Nack-Culberth, Phillipsburg, MT,

Wren Davidson, Eugene

Loryhl Davis, Herbs of the World, Salmon, ID 

Jenn Dazey, ND, Green Bean Natural Health Clinic, Monroe, WA

Shatoiya De La Tour, Hood river, Or

Shaun Deller

Sharon Dodge, Serenity Gardens, Camano Island,

Tom Elpel, Pony, Montana

Katrina Farnum, Missoula,

Felicia Ferruzza, LAc Mano Verde Herbals. Portland,

Heather Nic an Fhleisdeir, Scottish School of Herbalism, Eugene, OR

Kelly Marie Fitzpatrick, ND, Portland,

Jim and Merle Flocchini-Kastin, Two Ravens Herbals, Kooskia, Idaho

* Rosalee de la Foret, Twisp, WA

Dr. Deborah Frances RN, ND, Portland,

Liza Franzoni, Selkie Sea Vegetables, Lopez Island

Lisa Ganora (Whitewolf), Herbalchem Consulting, Louisville, CO 

Oh! Garliq, Vancouver, BC,

* Cascade Anderson Geller, Portland, Or

Rosemary Gladstar

Tina Glaessner, Crimson-Sage Nursery, Orleans, CA

* Angie Goodloe, Sandy Oregon.

Julene Graves, The Olympia Free Herbal Clinic.

James Green

Virginia Hadley, American Herbalist Guild

Kris Hill, Hill Botanicals, Bozeman, Mt

Christopher Hobbs,

David Hoffman,

Phyllis Hogan, Winter Sun Trading Company, Flagstaff, Arizona,

Robbie Holz, Holz Health Center, Edmonds

Elizabeth Howley, Clackamas Community College.

Janie Hu, The Herbalist,

Tori Hudson, ND. Portland,

Candace & Patrick Hunter, The Practical Herbalist, Eugene

Jo Jenner, ND, Ashland

James Jungwirth, Naturespirit Herbs, Williams, OR,

Sara Katz, HerbPharm

Brendan Kelly, Bozeman, MT

Kathy Johnson, Tonasket.

Erin Kenny, Vashon Island

Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, AHG, CN, Seattle,

Linda Kingsbury, Earth Wisdom Herbals, Moscow, Idaho

Sheila Kingsbury, ND, RH (AHG), Bastyr University

Robyn Klein, Bozeman, Montana.

Scott Kloos, Portland, Cascadia Folk Medicine

Taryn Krueger, Greeley Forest Garden, Portland,

Iris Leslie, Blue Medicinals,

Angela LeVan, Greeley Forest Garden, Portland,

Mara Levin, Blue Heron Herbs, Deadwood,

Dr. Dan Lewis,

Linda Lindsey, Heart’s Ease Herbs, Langley

Nadine Ijaz, Vancouver. BC.

Brenda Loew, 

Deb Lucas, Siskiyou Mountain Herbs, Junction, OR

Rose Madrone, Garberville, Redway,

Sunny Pendleton Mavor, Bozeman

Bev Maya, Avicenna, Vancouver

Bruce McCallum, Glenwolde Naturals, Kalispell

Jim McDonald, Herb Craft

* Jaci (McKamey) Guerena, Sunnyside Herbal Design, Eugene,

Sheelagh McKenzie-Salas, West Coast Herbs. Denman Island, BC.

Carol McGrath, Victoria, BC

Mark and Mary McNutt, Aerious, Deadwood, Or

Brooke Medicine Eagle, Loomis, Wa

Dr. Sheila Myers, ND, Sage health Center, Bend, Or

Pam Montgomery, Partner Earth Education, Danby, Vermont 05739.

Ken Nelly,

Jami Nelson, Wise Woman Herbals

Dr. Judy Nelson, Dominion Herbal College, Burnaby, BC

Jamesa Noelle, Bellingham

One Pine,

Jenny Perez, Bastyr University,

* Sajah Popham, Skagit Spagyrics,

Grady Proctor, Arctos School of Herbal and Botanical Studies, Portland

J.J. Pursell, The Herb Shoppe, Portland

Bob Quinn, People’s Herbs

Rebecca Reader, Portland

Laura Robertson, Oregon City

*Robert Dale Rogers, Canada

Missy Rohls, Arctos School of Herbal and Botanical Studies, Portland

Roberta Romm,

Emma Rose, The Olympia Free Herbal Clinic.

Nicole Salt,

Tierney Salter, The Herbalist, Seattle

Michele Sanger-Schumann, Living Earth Herbs, Bellingham, Wa

David Sansone, Marblemount, Wa

* Tim Scott, Green Dragon Botanicals, Vermont

Jayme Selig, Heron Botanicals, Poulsbo, Wa

Elaine Sheff, Meadowsweet herbs, Missoula, Montana,

Sherri, Eugene

Judy Siegel, Aurora, Or

Silvermoon, Fall City

Autumn Summers, Calif.

Judy Bluehorse Skelton, Portland,

Herbal Ed Smith, HerbPharm

Paul Stamets, Fungi Perfecti


Crystal Stelzer, Bastyr University

Jennephyr Reiche Sterling, Earth Heart Spirit, Sun River, MT.

Heather Stone, Artemisia Herbal Seminars, Seattle, WA

Krista Thie, Trout Lake, Wa

Michelle Thibert, Soulscents & Bodywork, Enumclaw, WA.

Carol Trassato, Radiance Herbs, Olympia,

Jonathan Treasure, Ashland, Or

* Scout Urling, Flying Bird Botanicals, Bellingham

Jolynn Marie Wagner, Sage Lake Herbs & The Healing Arts Center, Woodinville, WA.

Lynn Wallingford, Kettle Care, Montana

Robin Wheeler, BC 

* Terry Willard and Alexandra, Wild Rose School of Herbal Medicine, Calgary AB

* Leslie Williams-Lekos, Wildroot Botanicals, Bellingham

Matthew Woods, Portland and Minneapolis

Donnie Yance, Centre for Natural Healing, Ashland, Oregon.