Share this content: This section of the Medicinal Herb Growing and Marketing Conference is to highlight information that is specific to the conference but hard to fit into other categories. Herb Blog & Updates Guest Article: Planting Your Herbscape by Tina Glaessner, Herbalist and Proprietor of Crimson Sage Nursery Jeff Carpenter’s Keynote Address at the 2016 Medicinal Herb Growing & Marketing Conference in Port Townsend, WA. Healing the Economic System Around Herbal Medicine The 20 Conference Tracks Could be Grouped Under 5 Larger Categories Radical Herbalism Gathering in the U.K. Herbalists Without Borders Wow! Check out this presentation that Peter McCoy of Radical Mycology is giving at the MHG&MC. CALL FOR TRACK COORDINATORS Radical Mycology founder, Peter McCoy is coming to the MHG&MC! NEW TRACK FORMED at MHG&MC - Herbal CSAs – Community supported Herbalism KEYNOTE SPEAKER – ANN ARMBRECHT Medicinal Herb Growing & Marketing Conference - January 25 Progress Report Medicinal Herb Growing & Marketing Conference Organizing Meeting January 24, Sunday, 12:00 to 2:00 pm A New Piece in the Articles Section: Listing of Herb Farms in WA, OR, ID, MT Medicinal Herbs: Setting the Context Conference Goals Big Flow of Herbs into the Northwest that we could Grow Here Book Review: WHO Guidelines on Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP) for Medicinal Plants 7692 reads