The people don't know their true power.
As you may have heard, I [Paul Cienfuegos*] am working with a dedicated team to launch Community Rights US, a new national support organization for the Community Rights movement. Our official kick-off and crowdfunding campaign began on October 12th.
As you can imagine, this is a huge moment for me, as I have been working mostly solo as a Community Rights educator and organizer for 22 years now!
The growing Community Rights movement is beginning to successfully shift the current imbalance of power between the corporate elite and the rest of us. Single-issue activism simply is not getting at the root of the many crises facing us today: runaway corporate rule that places corporate constitutional "rights" above the Rights of people and the natural world. Our work effectively tackles those pesky roots.
For us to fully succeed in our public outreach about the groundbreaking work of our new national organization - Community Rights US - and our active search for many hundreds of individuals ready to make a contribution during our crowdfunding campaign, I’m contacting you as I know that you have the capacity to share this letter with your own social networks and/or organizational mailing lists.
It’s going to take hundreds of us reaching out to thousands more for Community Rights US to have the strong start that this bold work so dearly deserves.
I have included a sample email and social media post (below) for you to simply copy and send out through your channels. And if you can add a brief personal note, that will make it all the more effective. Thank you in advance!
And allow me to offer you an additional reason to share this letter widely - my new Commentary written for a national audience titled, “Did Project Censored Miss the Biggest Story of the Year?”. This is the kind of analysis that only the Community Rights movement is capable of offering in this time of growing crisis in our nation. Do you know any people in the media that you could forward it to, to assist us in getting it published in national or regional news sites?
At Community Rights US, our work is about helping towns, cities and counties across the nation as they exercise their inherent right to govern themselves, by passing local laws that ban controversial corporate activities that threaten their health, safety, and wellbeing; and dismantle corporate so-called “rights” and state preemption that interfere in Peoples’ Rights. More than 200 communities in nine states - both conservative and progressive - have already passed these new-paradigm protective laws. But we need thousands more to do so, and rapidly, if we are to have any realistic chance of stopping the corporate state from causing any further harm.
We ask for your active support in sharing our crowdfunding launch and my Project Censored commentary. Thank you!
Paul Cienfuegos
Co-Director & Lead Trainer
Website: Community Rights US
* "Paul Cienfuegos is a leader in the Community Rights movement, which works to dismantle corporate constitutional so-called “rights” and assert the people's inherent right to self-government. He founded Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County in 1995, and co-founded Community Rights PDX in 2011. His radio commentary and podcast plays weekly and can be accessed at More info at" --