Here I am interviewed (in the midst of a "National Alert" no less) by Jesse Tack on the Permaculture Institute of North America's YouTube channel in a video titled "PINA Wisdom Story: The Life and Times of a Permaculture Wizard."
Afterwards, Jesse wrote to me and said, "It was a really pleasure to get to know you and I will never forget the
Bill Mollison in a huge pickle barrel story! You also seeded quite a few ideas for me to plant within PINA."
It's about an hour and a half and starts at 9 minutes, 30 seconds into the video.
A Resource Packet on the Work of Michal Kravčík and Colleagues
By Michael Pilarski, Global Earth Repair Foundation. January 2, 2023
I highly recommend this to the whole world! Michal Kravčík & colleagues’ solutions to global climate change. I rank their analysis and solutions for planetary regeneration right up there as the best in the world.
Here are book reviews of three books which I have read since the Global Earth Repair Summit. All of them published in 2022. Between them, they give an overview of proposed solutions - from advanced technologies to nature-based solutions.
One of the most inspirational earth repair success stories of recent times.
I recently read the book: TONY RINAUDO: THE FOREST MAKER. 2018. Johannes Dieterich, Editor. 151 pages. English edition,.Rufer & Rub Sachbuchverlag, GmbH, Zurich.