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#sort ascending User IP address Name (optional) I attended the MHG&MC conference How can we do even better next year?
3 Anonymous (not verified) Anonymous Yes Maybe offer fewer talks at one time and offer more workshop times. There were so many awesome talks at once! Also, more scientific talks and more talks regarding the legal side of the business would be super.
2 Anonymous (not verified) Anonymous Yes Spread out events over five days or more -- there were too many overlapping panels I wanted to attend!
1 Anonymous (not verified) Steve Yes I feel like there could be better descriptions of the workshops. The names were good, but from attending other conferences the descriptions were nice because you was no questioning the content.

I also tried to attend a soil workshop that didn't happen. We all waited around for close to 20 minutes before we found out the presenter did not show up. I think a little more structure around presenters checking in and having a better protocol for alerting people about the changes would be good.

I do really appreciate all of your hard work! I am already looking forward to attending the conference next year!