Spring Street Center
1101 15th Avenue, Seattle (Central District)
March 4-6, March 11-13
April 1-3, April 22-24
May 6-8, May 20-22
Design productive and beautiful yards, farms and properties. This 6-weekend course will impart permaculture principles and methodologies through lecture, discussion, field trips and hands-on activities. Permaculture Design students will develop the practical skills and knowledge necessary to plan, design, and implement sustainable systems that are in harmony with the natural world. These skills can be applied anywhere in the world, focusing specifically on the Maritime Pacific Northwest.
Download the PDC poster. You can put it up on bulletin boards in your neighborhood.
Upon completion of the course, participants receive a Certificate of Permaculture Design issued by the Permaculture Institute of North America (PINA) and the Permaculture Institute USA (PIUSA).
Michael “Skeeter” Pilarski
Jacqueline Cramer
Guest Speakers including Arthur Lee Jacobson, Albert Postema, Patrick Loderhose and others
The Maritime Northwest is this course’s focus. Participants are invited from around Western Washington.
Spring Street Center is centrally located in Seattle. It is a former farm house, Lutheran Church, Center for the Hearing Impaired and is currently the home of Subud Greater Seattle, a spiritual community. It is an old, beautifully redone house with large teaching spaces, comfortable areas for break out groups, kitchen, and accommodations.
Fridays 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Saturday 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Sunday 10:00 am to 1:30 pm for field trips and 2:00 to 6:00 for classroom time at Spring Street. This will give us approximately 108 hours of class time plus 15 hours field trips/work for a grand total of 123 hours.
Field trips every Sunday from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm. Field trips will include the Beacon Food Forest, Horneholdia Urban Permaculture Homestead, Bullitt Center, UW Arboretum, Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetland, a plant walk with Arthur Lee Jacobson and others. This will be an exciting part of the course and will offer some opportunities for hands-on work.
Will self-select into teams on the 2nd weekend and come up with a list of places to design. Designs will be presented the last weekend of the course. This grounds everyone in PDC design methodology.
The course fee does not include meals. The participants will self-organize into six teams, each of which provides the food for one weekend (mostly pre-prepared at home).
People from out of town are in luck. Spring Street Center has 4 lovely bedrooms which together can sleep 7 comfortably. Each room rents for $60 to $70/night ($30 to $35/night for a shared room). Www.springstreetcenter.com/lodging People who room at Spring Street have additional time together in the evenings and mornings to chat and learn. We can look for home-stays in Seattle if any out-of-towners want help with that.
There will be a reading and watching list prior to the course as well as homework, team designs, and research projects in between course sessions.
Course tuition includes all instruction, course materials and the Permaculture
Design Course Certificate.
Sliding Scale Tuition: $900 - $1,200
Single Days: $100
A limited number of partial work-trades are available. Inquire for particulars. Some partial scholarships are available. Refund policy. $100 is non-refundable. The rest will be refunded if cancellation is prior to two weeks before start date. Full refund if course cancels. Carpooling encouraged and coordinated.
Michael “Skeeter” Pilarski
[email protected]